Welcome to Nursery

Nursery Class Key Information

Teacher: Miss Hadfield   Email: rhadfield@victoriousacademies.org

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Rhodes and Mrs Hopwood

Who to follow on Twitter: @MissHadfield

PE days: Thursday pm & Friday am


What’s happening in Autumn term?

Autumn 1 

This half term, we will be focusing on settling the children into Nursery and familiarising them with our rules and routines. 

Our topic this half term is ‘All About Me’.  We will be learning all about ourselves and discussing how we are all special and unique. We will be talking about our families and who we live with. We will be looking at different types of homes and the kind of properties we live in. We will also be thinking about our different feelings and emotions.

Children have opportunities to follow their own interests and learn through play in our indoor and outdoor learning areas.  

Click here for our Autumn 1 plan.

In Autumn 2, our topic is Seasons and Celebrations.  We will look for signs of Autumn and Winter and will learn about a variety of celebrations including birthdays, Christmas, Diwali and Halloween.

Click here for our Autumn 2 plan.


What’s happening in Spring term?

Our topic in Spring 1 is Our World Near and Far.  We will be looking at hot and cold regions, including Brazil and the Antarctic, and comparing them to Ashton.

Click here for our Spring 1 plan.

As always, children will have plenty of opportunities to follow their own interests and learn through play in our indoor and outdoor learning areas.  

Our topic in Spring 2 is Kings, Queens and Fairy Tales.  We will be sharing the stories of The Queen’s Knickers and The Princess and the Pea and learning some facts about our royal family.

Click here for our Spring 2 plan.


What’s happening in Summer term?

Our topic in Summer 1 is Growth.  First of all, we look at the growth of animals, visiting a farm to observe a variety of baby and fully grown farm animals.  We then look at the growth of plants, planting our own seeds and reading Jack and the Beanstalk.  Finally, we look at the life cycle of a frog, reading the book Tad and studying real-life tadpoles as they grow.

Click here for our Summer 1 plan.

Our topic for Summer 2 is currently being changed.  More information coming soon.

Class Reading Books

Important Dates

Important dates:  

1st and 8th November – Forest School (your child will take part in one of these sessions and you will be advised which date applies to your child nearer the time)

14th November – Parents Evening  

7th and 8th December – EYFS Nativity 

17th and 24th January – Forest School (your child will take part in one of these sessions and you will be advised which date applies to your child nearer the time)

8th February – 21st March – Balance to Pedals Bike Sessions (your child will take part in 3 out of 6 sessions and you will be advised which date applies to your child by the Class Teacher)

19th April – EYFS trip to the Farm 

23rd April – Parents Evening 

19th June – Forest School for all children a.m. in the morning and p.m. in the afternoon

11th July – EYFS Sports Day